The screen with a scoreboard is the opening screen:
It shows:
- A 8 row by 5 columns scoreboard.
- The row subtotals column.
- The column subtotals row.
- The 0 .. 10 + Mouche keyboard.
- The Average and Total score.
Note that the Mouche is scored as 10, but also adds a “.1” for each mouche such that the total score at the bottom shows the number of mouches after the decimal point. 40 Mouches in a 40 shot competition will of course show as a total score of 400.40.
The second screenshot shows the settings panel.
The “Columns” resp “Rows” field determine the size of the scoreboard.
The subtotals switches either enable or disable the corresponding subtotal fields.
The keyboard selector opens the third screen, the keyboard selection as shown below: