StreamingFileReader Icon



By clicking the button below you can buy the Swift class StreamingFileReader.

When buying you agree to the license conditions:

  1. You ACCEPT this source code AS IS without any guarantees that it will work as intended. Any liability from its use is YOURS.
  2. You WILL NOT seek damages from the author or
  3. You WILL NOT in any way, shape or form redistribute this source code.

Upon completion of the process you will receive an email with a download link. That link will be valid for 3 download attempts within the next three days of purchase. Upon downloading you will receive a zip file with the StreamingFileReader.swift file in it.

Payment will be processed by paypal. Note that you do not need a paypal account to use paypal, all major credit cards are accepted. Receiver will be

Note: We are currently revamping our infrastructure that deals with the ordering process. Until that is completed clicking the “BUY NOW” button will immediately start the download for free.